Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Is busy just an attitude ?

After the bread  life is busy at the moment and all good intentions of blogging twice a week, have failed yet again. Failed in the same way as the grand plan of getting terribly fit and running every day has gone by the wayside. No running, no writing is just not good enough  and will get us nowhere when the next Flora Women’s marathon comes around – as it invariably does – much too soon for any grand training plans.

The  bread round is long done, the paper work too and as the day job of managing a busy household takes over, I sit in beautiful CafĂ© la Coco in Kilkenny and wait for the youngest son to be ready for collection. The others have actually done the bread round today, collected the flour and done the shopping while I struggle to see why I am busy. I did the bake this morning,  I did meet the principal of the school to try and iron out some trauma, I did deliver a small order to a neighbour, did some paperwork and made the pastry. Not really that busy is it?   While others prepare the dinner and prep for tomorrow, I sit and write in great comfort, will soon head back home to do my token bit of prep, eat some dinner and go to choir. As I failed to train properly, I have at least started singing. Another grand plan of 20 years standing, I have recently joined Thukolo choir, one of Kilkenny’s gospel choirs. I love it, look forward to our couple of performances in the coming month and can at least tick this off my own personal bucket list. Tomorrow, after the bread round ( which I am not doing again!!) I shall go and run. I already owe the other baker €60 in Shutterbug, the fantastic vintage shop,  as she manages to run and do her work at the same time. We walked the mini marathon together and we have a bet - €30 in Shutterbug if one manages the daily run and the other doesn’t.  She’s winning, she is 35 years younger than me and I won’t even see her at the run next year. I will have to work harder but hey, I wrote this today, didn’t I  - so tomorrow I run or possibly the next day ....