Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Running again

Last weekend, I realised that the 1st April is frigteningly close to the 1st June, which in turn is terribly close to the bank holiday weekend for which I have so thoughtlessly registered for the women’s mini marathon. So, training commenced on Monday. Stop eating rubbish, drink lots of water and run, walk, cycle and try and rediscover the reasonably fit person that used to live in this body.

These days “busy” is the permanent excuse and busy means that breaks consist of cups of tea and bread and cheese on the sofa. Deadly combination. The only excercise happens every Thursday when I  park the market car on 5A in the multistory car park and I don’t take the lift. Pathetic. So yesterday morning, we don’t bake on a Monday, I bullied the leaving cert son and we set off at 6 in the morning. We walked to the top of the lane and he ran off while I walked another bit and then started running – only to discover that any bounce has left without giving notice. I struggle on and bounce comes back but breath leaves and we are back to walking. I meet the son on his way back and move on – enjoying the rising sun on the yellow rapeseed and the early morning and my feeling of compelte and utter self righteousness. He runs the distance in 14 minutes, I cover it in 26 and we plan and scheme. As life is not fair, he will get fit very quickly and I will take tremendously much longer but fit I will get because everybody can get fit anytime. 

Always much too lazy to be competitve in sports, I was always a good swimmer and the otherwise the one who set up the equipment and provided safety for the others. I was a pretty good netball goalie and tall enough to enjoy basketball ( in Ireland only. In germany, I don’t rate as tall at all) So, I lived quite happily at the edge of the sporting world with some kind of natural fitness that was always good enough. Now sadly, this natural fitness is gone in a sulk and demands a lot more work than it was ever allocated before. Challenge accepted – as I went out “running” again today. Two days in a trot – I must be winning.......

Anyhow, after the breadround will now stop gloating about this amazing success of the new training regime and tackle the dreaded tax returns. Normally the shoebox is emptied in and around Sepember with the grand plan to be finished by the October deadline. This year, I am starting in April and will have it all done before the summer. What a novel idea. Imagine, doing the mini marathon with the tax returns done. Even if that makes me a very sad person, it would be such a good feeling. #mustgetalife.  Imagine doing the mini marathon in the sun with the tax returns done......

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